Thursday, November 28, 2013

Crime Against men

Crime Against Men

  Crime Bure data,
    In the Year 2005, the Crime Against Men, More than Twenty-two Lacks sixty Four Thousands ( 92.88%) vs One Lack fifty-five thousands against women( 6.38%)?
Crime against Men                                            : 22 ,64 , 445/-
In the Year 2005 the Crime Against Men, More than Twenty-two Lacks sixty Four Thousands vs One Lack fifty-five thousands against women?
% Wise All India Crime Against Men, Woemn and Child as Under :
Crime Against Women            : 6.38%
Crime Against Child                :  0.73%
Crime Against Men                  : 92.88%
We wonder Whose life is in More Danger in India : Men or Women?
    Will Our LAW Maker change the LAW 304B( dowry death) to 304C( Sowry Death) and 498A ( harrasement to wife) to 498B ( Sowry harrasement by wife) 

No. of Person Arrested under (498A +304B)                       : 161217
Child/Senior citizen/Women arrested                                   :280/4700/31253
No. Of person Arrested Under 304B                                        : 24562
No. of Person Arrested Only under 498A (living women)          : 137180
No. Of person Not Charge sheeted                                          : 31128
No. Of person Charge Sheeted                                                : 125277
No. Of person's Trial Completed                                              : 78292
No. Of person convicted (498A+304B)                                 : 16995
No. Of Person Convicted by 304B                                        : 5144
No. Of person Convicted Under 498A but not 304B                : NA?
No. Of person Proved Innocence at Court under 498A       : 61297
No. Person's case compunded or withdrawn                        : 13970
No. Of person Convicted only under 498A without 304B      : NA ? 
No. Of person Accused under 498A and harresed to Got AB/ArrestStay and Trail not recomended, at least 5 times more 8,05,000     : NA ? ( 8,05,000 )
On an average (3+19.3) = 22.3% people's case (4812+31128) =35,940/- had not been even charge sheeted and proved innocence before trail. 
It is a clear example that approx 80% cases people proved their innocence at Court that they had been arrested without any reason/evidence as 498A/304B is non-bailable and do not need any evidence to arrest any TOM/Dick or Marry . 
So, it is a clear example that more than 92.3% cases the people had been arrested under 498A without any evidence, where as if the case is true and the verbal statement of the compliment itself find true, the convection is 100%. 
Still in this special LAW more than 92.3% People proved their innocence, where as in normal IPC the convection is more than such LAW, then why need this special LAW? 
The Answer : To do the Legal Terrorism and earn the money from Husband's Family as a whole sale free license and openly Blackmail and do the extortion of money by Wives family in front of Police/Court/Media and the same is not to be termed as crime. 
We wonder Whose life is in More Danger in India : Men or Women?
To understand the reason one must Know: Women "Engineering viewpoint"

Every married man is a victim of domestic violence. Since verbal abuse, emotional abuse and mental cruelty is a form of domestic violence, men can reasonably prove that each and every married man is a victim of domestic violence.

How often are we nagged by our wife? Almost every single day.

The nagging of your wife is so incredibly powerful that you will do anything to avoid being on the receiving end. You will begin to obey all her instructions only to protect yourself from her nagging. Her words go cracking down your spine leaving you frustrated, depressed and helpless. You feel that by crying your wife will calm down but you are wrong. She will get more angry and when she proves her point making you accept her wrong notions, she will cry in front of others complaining about you. This is a very old-fashioned tactic but it still works wonders for women. First harass the husband, and when she is successful in bring him down to his knees, she will complain about him to others with tears in her eyes. Is this what they call domestic violence on women? It's a shame that the society believes the lies of these women. It is easy to laugh on these harassed husbands and many do laugh on them. People prefer to support abusive wives posing as a victim but they will not support genuinely harassed husbands.   

Husbands are not reluctant to say that they fear their wife, and the society, instead of sympathizing, make them a laughing stock. The society treats harassed husbands as those lots who are not man enough, who can't control their wives, and who will be their wife's slave. Society finds it funny. If a harassed husband complains, he will be ridiculed and humiliated for being a victim in the hands of his wife. If the husband says that he has to first ask her wife before taking a decision, the society will ridicule him for not able to take a decision on his own. And when he does take the decision on his own, the same society will insult him for harassing and disrespecting his wife. The society is also responsible for making the lives of harassed husbands more miserable. Here, in the house, the wife is taking all the decisions and giving the ultimatum to his husband to keep his mouth shut, and other women are complaining of not been treated equally in the house in decision making. What a deception!!!  

Husbands are not free in their own house. The wife will always be watchful what her husband is doing or planning to do. She will inquire about everything, absolutely everything - from using a new shaving cream to his female colleague's dress. She will ask trick questions to trap the husband to make him say that he looked at another woman, and then the husband will be punished for a week by boycotting him in the house. He will be dragged in discussing issues that are useless and trivial, and if the husband expresses his dislike to discuss on such issues, then again the wife will make him feel guilty of neglecting her, which will continue for weeks. In every situation, the husband is made to feel that he is always wrong and the wife is always right. The moment the husband comes home from office, the wife is mentally ready to show him who is the real boss in the house. She will ask him about the day making him feel that he is in safe hands, and then bang, the wife strikes him with a vicious blow of her taunts, criticizing his this habits, that habits, this attitude and that attitude. He is tired from work and he is subjected to such mental cruelty every day.  

If the husband happens to say something that has irritated the wife then she will make sure that the husband knows that he is now going to get a rough treatment. She will bang kitchen utensils, break glasses, she will throw things to make noise and she will steal the television remote control, go into her room and shut the door. At times she will even physically assault her husband with a slap or a kick on his groin. The husband can easily fight back and send her to hospital but he endures all pain silently. The husband knows that he has to kneel down and apologize even when it was not his fault. After all, the society has taught him to compromise with his abusive wife in all circumstances. The husband has to adjust himself with the extreme behaviour of his wife, her tantrums, vicious taunts, silent treatment and boycotting. Such cruel treatment on the husband on a daily basis is indeed a severe form of domestic violence. But the society has accepted that domestic violence on husband is part and parcel of married life for all men. Even if a man complains, there are plenty of people pretending to be wiser in marriage, advising him to tolerate it silently. "Its all life, you got to accept it," they would say. And when a woman complains to the society, these same people would say, "don't tolerate, go and complain to the police station." This double standard of the society cannot be forgiven.

The life of a man gets ruined because his wife has murdered his individuality. His wife has strangulated his freedom of speech. His wife has tortured his independence. His wife has subjected him to mental cruelty to such an extent that in the husband's heart of heart, he just wishes to die as soon as possible. He works all day to earn for his family, he lives like a slave in his house, and hear news that all men are wife-beaters. Deception of feminists is spreading far and wide. Feminists have no words for husband-beaters. A wife humiliates his husband saying that he failed to sexually satisfy her and she wants to satisfy herself from outside men. The husband is emotionally shattered to hear that but he knows he can't stop her nor can he complain. The wife enjoys her sex life with other men and the husband continues to helplessly sponsor the life of this husband-beater. And if the husband is too tired to have sex, the wife will humiliate him for days calling him impotent. Such emotional abuse is considered funny by the society.

The society has never accepted the reality about how much love is there in the heart of the father for his children. The father's sacrifice for his children is never recognized. The children will grow up being brainwashed by the mother thinking that their father is useless, stupid and deserve to be beaten up by their mother. The wife will never allow the father to talk to their children alone because she does not want the children to support their father. The children often turn against their fathers on one command of the wife. And if the father has two or three daughters than he accepts that he must have committed a lot of sin in some past births. His whole existences in the house will be humiliated and tortured by females in the house. In many cases, the wife persuades the daughter to file a false rape case on the father to teach him a lesson. The father's life is ruined and spends the rest of his life in jail just because his wife thought this is what her husband deserves.  

What if men realize that they do have a 'choice'? Since women who are husband-beaters are also posing as victims of domestic violence, then why would a man not complain against his abusive wife?

Each and every married man is a victim of domestic violence. He is a victim of nagging, emotional abuse, blackmail, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and mental cruelty. Are men going to continue treating this torture as part and parcel of their married life or will they seek justice and equality? Amazingly, many people are encouraging these harassed husbands to speak up against this cruelty but they seem to be so scared of their wife that they would probably remain a harassed husband in the hands of their abusive wife till they die. For now, those abusive wives are enjoying themselves torturing their husbands and also posing as a victim for the society to think that all husbands are wife-beaters. Who could be a bigger liar than these women?

This is a Report based on 5 years Research and Study on dowry Prohibition act, its use and misuse.This Reasearch conducted by our own Experts of MyNation for Save Indian Society,and not funded by any gender biased organisations. We studied 1500 Plus Families, these are feed backs from them and from the reports published by media.
Out of 100 cases that are ordered for investigation under 498A, only in 2 cases the accused get convicted.
98% misuse is "okay" says Minister Renuka chowdrey
Even there is 98% misuse, why not there is any change?

Because it is not only against husband but his whole Family. The Western funded Supporter of this law, determined to ruin Family system of India and sabotage Indian Society. 

For centuries in India women were treated like goddesses – or devis. Even though there was sati (suttee), with widows voluntary taking to and immolating themselves on their late husband’s funeral pyre, as devout Hindus believe, or forced to do so, as opponents of satibelieve, it was purely a religious custom, that had nothing to do with women rights.  Man was the head of the family, but at home in fact he was his wife’s puppet, a situation described by the wry aside: “He is the BOSS of the House – he has his wife’s permission to say so!” 
Real Statistics on Domestic violence:
One of the most pervasive myths of our society is that domestic violence is something men do to women. Solid scientific research reveals that domestic violence is something women do to men more frequently than men do to women.
While it is true that men account for most violence outside the home, women instigate most domestic violence and they injure men more frequently and more severely.
The Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire, under grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, recently finished the last of three national studies on domestic violence. The first two studies revealed results similar to the latest study. Anyone who would like a copy of it may order it from the University of New Hampshire (ask for Document V55). The data tape and documentation of the 1975 and 1985 studies are available from the Interuniversity Consortium For Political and Social Research at the University of Michingan.
Original data is also available on CD-ROM from Sociometrics, Inc. in Palo Alto, CA.
The average results in the 'severe assault' category are reported below:

* Wives report they have been severely assaulted by husband 22 per 1000
* Wives report they have severely assaulted husband 59 per 1000
* Husbands report they have been severely assaulted by wives 32 per 1000
* Husbands report they have severely assaulted wives 18 per 1000
* Husbands & wives both report wife has been assaulted 20 per 1000
* Husbands & wives both report husband has been assaulted 44 per 1000

There are dozens of other studies that reveal similar findings. For instance:

Marital Rape – A sabotage of Institute of Marriage: Study Report

If wife enjoys at night and next morning she will charge husband with marital rape; then how to judge between sex and rape ?
Who will decide how much sex is not rape ?
For Indian women sex is a bargaining tool to get things done from husband; if she withhold sex for no reason; when her desire is not fulfilled by husband, what husband has to do. In this situation man will not get Divorce as per biased Indian judiciary. And she cann`t be charged under breach of trust either. AS per TOI 10/09/07, 312, indian commit suicide everyday, Now you know why men commit suicide
As per constitute of India, in the eyes of Indian judiciary all citizens are equal and there is no difference in gender caste or colour, then  why this bias, why this step mother policy or partiality. Or its mockery of constitute. But i`m sure its sabotage of Institute of marriage and hidden agenda of women organizations to break family system.
Authors : Rudolph Dsouza / Amitabh Dasgupta
Stiffer dowry law may lead to more abuse: Times News
Stiffer dowry law may lead to more abuse: Times News  

NEW DELHI: However well-intentioned, the recommendations made by National Commission for Women (NCW) to make the dowry law more stringent are fraught with the risk of further abuse. The commission's failure to come up with any proposal to check frivolous or false allegations of dowry harassment under Section 498A IPC flies in the face of repeated attempts by the judiciary to flag the legislature's attention. 

Supreme Court, while upholding the constitutionality of Section 498A in 2005 in Sushil Kumar Sharma vs Union of India, conceded that "many instances have come to light" where the complaints of dowry harassment were found to be "not bona fide and have been filed with an oblique motive." 

Cautioning that the misuse of the provision could result in a "new legal terrorism" for the affected husbands and their families, SC said the tendency of crying wolf could prove counterproductive to women too as "protection may not be available when the actual wolf appears." The bench headed by Justice Arijit Pasayat said it might "become necessary for the legislature" to find new ways of reducing the susceptibility of Section 498A to abuse. 

Since the legislature has so far shown no sign of heeding SC's call for reforming the dowry law, the Delhi high court raised eyebrows two months ago by making a rather sweeping declaration that Section 498A was being used "to convert failed marriages into a crime and people are using this as a tool to extract as much monetary benefit as possible." 

NCW's preference to maintain the status quo in this regard also disregards the specific proposal made by the Justice Malimath committee in 2003 that Section 498A be made bailable and compoundable to give a chance to the spouses to come together. Much as it drew flak for seeking to render the provision toothless, the Malimath recommendation could have have been finetuned to deal with the vexed issue. 

The lopsided approach adopted by NCW is evident from its proposal of enhancing the minimum punishment for "dowry death" under Section 304B from seven years to 10 years. From a moral view point, it might well seem tenable to treat dowry death at par with the more serious offence of "culpable homicide not amounting to murder" committed with "the intention of causing death or of causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause death." 

But NCW failed to take into account that dowry death carries lesser penalty because of the low bar of evidence required to secure conviction under Section 304B, which contains a presumption of guilt against the accused for causing the death if the wife dies in unnatural circumstances within seven years of the marriage. As a result, NCW's recommendation to increase the presumtion period from seven years to the entire lifetime may only end up prolonging the scope for abuse. 

Any LAW should be crime based and without any assumption of gender biased that all the Husbands Born in Criminal family and all the Wives born in Raja Harish Chandra Family (Never lie).  If women die, men also die in un-natural death and as per crime Bure, it is more than 52000 married men ending their life every year compared to 28000 married women.   
But when a women die, we want to punish without any evidence , not only men, his mother/sister also , but   when men die we called it is social service by a women, even the wife burnt alive the husband got Scot free, Movie Provoke, is the wittness.

Already murder law are there to take care if any one kill their Wife… what for? 

Ohh.. Forget in so called dowry law, no evidence required to send any tom/dick/Harry or Marry behind the bar and do the legal terrorism and that is the reason NCW want to punish the people without any evidence. It is not the dowry death increased, it is the false fabricated dowry death case increased.
 Women organizations are specially engaged to all City Hospital( with the huge fund they get form Government as well as outside country) and whenever any wife come their due to any Un-natural death , the same to be termed as Dowry death , let it be accident/suicide or other illness.  Where as more than 52000 Married men are ending their life every year, but there is No Men well fare ministry at all in this country, forget about any protection LAW.

In the Year 2005, the Crime Against Men, More than Twenty-two Lacks sixty Four Thousands (92.88%) vs One Lack fifty-five thousands against women (6.38%).

Comp. Sue Moto By Police(FIR Registered):  24,37,973/-
Crime Against Women                                     : 1,55,553/-
Crime against Child                                          : 17,975/-
Crime against Men                                            : 22 ,64 , 445/-
In the Year 2005 the Crime Against Men, More than Twenty-two Lacks sixty Four Thousands vs One Lack fifty-five thousands against women?
% Wise All India Crime Against Men, Women and Child as Under :
Crime Against Women            : 6.38%
Crime Against Child                :  0.73%
Crime Against Men                  : 92.88%

We wonder Whose life is in More Danger in India : Men or Women? 
To understand the reason one must know: Women "Engineering viewpoint" 
Crime Bure data 2005: Married Men Suicide: 52000 vs Married Women Suicide 28000.Still there is no LAW to Protect Men why?

Will Our LAW Maker change the LAW 304B (dowry death) to 304C ( Sowry Death) and 498A ( harassment to wife) to 498B ( Sowry harassment by wife) .

(Crime Is Crime. Punishment should be irrespective of gender, religion and caste. Let us be honest and fight for truth)

A failed marriage is not a crime however, the provisions of Section 498A are being used to convert failed marriages into a crime and the people are using this as tool to extract as much monetary benefit as possible.

In many cases, where FIRs are filed under Section 498A IPC, petitions are being filed under Section 482 Cr.P.C. for quashing of FIRs after settlements between the parties and the allegations made of cruelties etc. are withdrawn the moment a lump sum payment is received. Involving each of the family members of the husband is another arm in the armory of the complainants of failed marriages.

Not only close relatives but distant relatives and even neighbours are being implicated under Section 498A and other provisions of IPC in cases of failed marriages. The Courts must be very cautious during trials of such offences. In all these cases in the name of investigation, except recording statement of complainant and her
few relatives nothing is done by police.

The police does not verify any circumstantial evidence nor collect any other evidence about the claims made by the complainant. No evidence about giving of dowry or resources of the complainant's family claiming spending of huge amounts is collected by the police. This all is resulting into gross misuse of the provisions of law.

The investigating agency in all such cases must collect all circumstantial and other evidence in respect of claims made by the complainant and similarly Courts should always be careful in considering the credibility and truthfulness of the statement of the complainant and relatives.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Woman can take fifth part of a salary only.

In a case of young engineer court clears that wife can take only 1/5 th part of salary.In that case wife told that her husband's salary is 30000 and she need 15000.But court refuges and only fix 1500 rupees per month.He calculate on basic salary which is 8000 per month.

Girl can't take property in her in Laws' property

High court clearly describes that a women can only take property in her husband's personal assets.But she can't demand property from her father in law or mother in law.

Friday, October 25, 2013

New divorce law loaded against women

New divorce law loaded against women: Arun Jaitley

NEW DELHI: A bill seeking to make 'irretrievable breakdown of marriage' as a ground for divorce appeared to be in trouble with MPs from within the ruling side as well as the Opposition attacking the changes.
The Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, which was taken up passage in the Rajya Sabha on Monday, was seen to be loaded against women by a significant section of the House. In the face of concerns raised by members, the bill will now be taken up 
for discussion on Wednesday.

The Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill seeks to amend the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, and the Special Marriage Act, 1954, to provide for "irretrievable breakdown of marriage" as a new ground for divorce. It suggests that a divorce on these grounds would be granted provided it doesn't cause 'grave financial hardship' to the wife.
The current amendment takes its cue from the Law Commission's report and two 1985 Supreme Courtjudgments. It is based on the premise, prevalent across the world, that there is no need to continue with a marriage that has failed.
Leader of the Opposition Arun Jaitley, who agreed that if a marriage is dead, it should be given a burial by a decree of divorce, said the rights of the woman should get absolute protection. He said since the the law doesn't provide for financial backbone for women, they are likely to end up becoming "permanently dependent" on their parents and siblings.
Calling on the government to think through the proposed legislation, Jaitley said that in its current form, "this law may end up creating unusual hardships for women in India."
In India, divorces are conventionally granted on two broad grounds - mutual consent and matrimonial default. The latter, which includes mental and physical cruelty, adultery, desertion, conversion and communicable diseases, allows for the victim to ask for divorce.
"No person can take the benefit of their own default. In that sense, irretrievable breakdown is different from conventional jurisprudence on divorce, in that the person who cause the default can ask for the divorce," Jaitley said.
He stressed those countries which allow for irretrievable breakdown as a ground for divorce have a very strong support system for the wife and children.
"Such divorces become very costly, as property and income is shared with the wife and children. I regret to say that Supreme Court can interpret laws and suggest advancements but elected representatives know the realities better, and without financial backing, women will end up sufferers," BJP leader said.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10 ways to avoid divorce disaster

10 ways to avoid divorce disaster

Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Yet all too often couples hurriedly go their separate ways without crunching the numbers to see how a breakup will affect them five, 10 or even 20 years down the road.
A newly inked divorce decree may help ease the emotional strain of a failed marriage. But a settlement that doesn't make good financial sense could mean you'll have to make some undesirable lifestyle adjustments down the road.
Consider these 10 ways to lessen the financial impact when it's time to call it quits.
Avoid divorce devastation
1.      Settle out of court.
2.      Keep emotions out of it.
3.      Bone up on financial matters.
4.      Deal with debt strategically.
5.      Check financial statements.
6.      Alimony vs. child support.
7.      Revise lifestyle budget.
8.      Don't forget retirement.
9.      Hire a good financial team.
10.  Protect property interests.
1. Agree to settle most issues out of court
In hotly contested divorces where anger and other emotions run rampant, legal fees can quickly eat into assets that could have been used for other things.
A divorce can cost from a thousand dollars (for an uncontested divorce) to hundreds of thousands or more, according to, an online resource for divorce information.
Spousal support, child support and division of property are the top three issues in the majority of divorce settlements, but couples who are able to communicate can arrive at an agreement without an attorney, says Ed Sherman, author of "Make any Divorce Better!"
It's usually best to settle as many issues out of court as possible, he says. Oftentimes, this can be done with the help of a mediator or arbitrator.
Find one with a background as a judge or an experienced family law attorney who understands the laws in your state, Sherman advises.
You still generally need a court to approve any settlement, but at least you'll spend less time and money on legal fees.
Sherman cautions that mediation and arbitration do have some shortcomings, namely when you need emergency monetary support or visitation rights.
In those cases, you may need to seek immediate court assistance.
2. Avoid letting emotions cloud your decisions
For many couples, divorce is an extremely emotional time that can lead to bad financial decisions, especially when it comes to divvying up property.
"The financial decisions we make in divorce that are emotionally based are absolutely the worst decisions that we'll ever make," says Violet P. Woodhouse, author of "Divorce & Money: How to Make the Best Financial Decisions During Divorce."
Woodhouse, an attorney and Certified Financial Planner based in Newport Beach, Calif., says people make bad decisions during a financial crisis because they tend to hang onto things that are familiar, such as a home.
"Two years from now those emotions are not going to be there," she says.
Allow yourself a cooling off period before making financial decisions.
3. Learn how to manage household finances
In many marriages, one partner takes charge of the family finances because it's convenient, but that can mean the other partner is left in the dark about the overall financial picture.
"They need to gather documentation and be fully aware of their financial affairs," says Amy C. Boohaker, an attorney and Certified Financial Planner based in Sarasota, Fla.
"That means in-depth knowledge of not just what your assets are but what your liabilities are."
Bone up on financial literacy concepts. Bankrate's extensive archive of useful articles is free and easy to understand.
4. Deal with debt strategically
One of the biggest sticking points in a divorce settlement is dividing marital debt.
Your ultimate goal is to be divorced from your spouse, including his or her debts.
If you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse have joint credit cards or other revolving debt, start paying down your account balances as soon as possible because you're both equally liable for that debt in the eyes of the creditor.
"A divorce decree might say he gets all the joint credit card debt, but that's not going to get her name off of the account and that's not going to relieve her of responsibility if he defaults on them," says Fadi Baradihi, CEO of the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts.
"What most people don't understand is the fact that a loan agreement or credit card agreement will not be trumped by a divorce decree."
Your spouse may be tempted to go on a spending spree with a jointly held credit card before your divorce is finalized, so you may have to close some of the accounts altogether. Your credit score may temporarily take a hit, but it's a better strategy than starting your new life with mountains of newly acquired debt.
If you decide to keep jointly held accounts open while divorce proceedings are ongoing, make sure the bills get paid on time. Baradihi suggests both parties split all bills down the middle.
It may also be a good idea to order a copy of all three credit reports and start opening individual lines of credit if you can.
5. Check financial statements for errors
When divorcing couples own a business together or have a lot of assets to divide, it's critical that financial statements are accurate.
Check for red flags like underreported income, questionable business write-offs and large, recent purchases made in the name of the business.
This is one area where things can get complicated, so you may have to consult with a good forensic accountant or a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, and that won't come cheap.
The average cost for a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, for example, is $150 to $250 per hour, according to Baradihi, a Certified Financial Planner and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst.
6. Alimony and child support
Family support is typically paid in the form of alimony, child support or both. It all depends on the financial situation of each party and the terms of the divorce settlement.
It's important to know the rules governing family support because the Internal Revenue Service treats each type differently for tax purposes.
The alimony recipient generally pays taxes on that income and it's typically deductible by the paying spouse.
Depending on his or her tax bracket, the payer could get a tax advantage if child support is bundled into the alimony payment.
"If one spouse is in the 35 percent tax bracket and the other is 15 percent, it makes sense that it (family support) be done in some type of alimony scenario because the payee gains the 20 percent tax difference," Baradihi says.
Child support, however, is never deductible by the payer, and the payment received is not taxable, according to the IRS.
A few more things to keep in mind about alimony and child support: Alimony typically ends when you remarry or die.
7. Budget for a lifestyle you can afford
Be prepared to live a lifestyle that's within your means.
You may have enjoyed certain perks while married, but if you were the spouse who didn't bring income into the home, you may be forced to cut back or get a job. Likewise the breadwinning spouse who makes family support payments will likely have to rein in spending.
The custodial spouse often chooses to remain in the house to avoid disrupting the lives of school-age children, but it may not make sense to assume mortgage payments on a house if it's unaffordable, especially if it's worth less than the amount you owe.
"If you can't afford it, you can't afford it," Woodhouse says.
Further, let's assume that both spouses are on the mortgage note: What happens if you can't refinance?
If you receive alimony or other payments, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to afford a mortgage payment on a single income. And with credit standards tightening, your credit score or income may not be high enough to qualify for a loan.
Figure out what you can afford by planning a budget that takes into account all your income including alimony, child support and employment income before deciding if you want to keep the house.
Your monthly housing payment in general should be no more than 28 percent of your gross income.
Bankrate's mortgage calculator can help you determine whether it's a good idea to keep the house or move.
8. Don't forget about retirement plans
Before deciding whether to claim a percentage or lump sum of your soon-to-be former spouse's retirement plan, it's usually a good idea to get a qualified domestic relations order, or QDRO.
A QDRO is a court order that creates or recognizes your right to receive all or a portion of the benefits payable under your ex-spouse's retirement plan.
Generally, retirement plans covered under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, or ERISA, require a QDRO before benefits can be paid to an alternate payee such as an ex-spouse or dependent.
Individual retirement plans that do not fall under the ERISA umbrella can generally be divvyed up without a QDRO; however, some other plans cannot.
"State (public) plans typically have their own requirements, but they are usually not (regulated by) ERISA and city and county plans are generally not qualified plans," Boohaker says. "They have separate requirements and sometimes they are not even divisible. So it varies."
9. Hire a good financial team
You may think hiring a good financial team will be costly, but in the long run, not hiring one may end up costing you more once your divorce is finalized.
It may be difficult and costly to modify certain divorce agreements later on. Also, financial concepts are often tedious and difficult to understand. If you're perplexed, seek help.
"Obtain good expert advice early on," Boohaker says.
She says a lot of free financial information is available on the Internet, but some of it is not accurate.
A good financial team would consist of a financial planner and attorney. At the very least, they can review your settlement for problems and help you understand your legal rights.
10. Protect your property interests
Before getting a divorce, make sure that your name is on all deeds and titles of property, whether they are jointly or individually owned.
Just because you and your soon-to-be ex shared a beach house or mountain cabin doesn't necessarily mean that property will be considered divisible during a divorce.
In community property states such as California, where a 50/50 division of community property is mandated by law, property you inherited or received as a gift is generally off limits to your spouse.
Some high-net worth individuals protect assets accumulated prior to marriage with a prenuptial agreement.
This is to ensure that those assets cannot be touched during a divorce. However, a "prenup" can backfire.
Some courts view them with suspicion and will likely scrutinize them for fairness and compliance with state law.
"The fact that you're asking for a prenup before marriage could be seen as coercing one side to sign it," Baradihi says.
"Most of them end up (in court) if they are debated or argued after the fact under that premise."